Upcoming Shows
February 2013
End of the month, Fern is entered in the Sequoia KC dog show.
May 2012
May 5-6, Fern's next show is in Hollister.
February 2012
February 4-5, Fern is entered in the Sun Maid KC show in Fresno (Fresno County Fairgrounds).
February 19, Fern is entered in the Santa Clara KC show in San Jose.
January 2012
January 28-29, Ivy and Fern are entered in a benched dog show in San Francisco's Cow Palace (look at the Upcoming Events section on their website).
June 2011
June 10-12: Pricilla, Fern and Ivy are entered in the Contra Costa KC dog show in Vallejo, CA.
June 4-6: Fern and Ivy are off to Gridley for a 3-day show. The Shasta KC show is at the Gridley Fairgrounds. This will be Ivy's debut in the show ring.
Litter Announcements
Upcoming Litters